Capturing diplomatic relations through creative writing

The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesian in Addis Ababa organizes a creative writing competition for Ethiopian students.

In order to introduce Indonesia to Ethiopian students and the younger generation in wide, particularly middle and senior high school students, the Indonesian Embassy in Addis Ababa in collaboration with the Indonesia-Ethiopia Friendship Club and the St. Daniel Comboni School in Hawassa City has organized a writing competition about Indonesia and its relations with Ethiopia.

The writing competition, which was started on 26 March 2022, saw 117 students participating from various secondary schools in Hawassa.

The writings were selected by juries from the Indonesia-Ethiopia Friendship Club, Dubale Gebeyehu and Meaza Haddis, as well as Nurika S.M. Margono from the Indonesian Embassy in Addis Ababa.
On Friday, 20th May 2022, the winners of the competition were announced by the organizers in a special event at St. Daniel Comboni School.

The event was attended by the head of the school, teachers and more than 800 students. The winners received trophies, certificates and cash prizes. The winning trophy was handed over directly by the Indonesian Ambassador, Al Busyra Basnur.

The first winner went to Ruth Asfaw (St. Daniel Comboni School) with an article titled “Students’ connectivity; How to strengthen it”; the second winner saw Meklit Abera (St. Daniel Comboni School) picking the award with an article titled “How to increase student connectivity between Ethiopia and Indonesia”; and coming in third was Ahadu Abayneh (BnB School) with an article titled “Bersama.”

Meanwhile, 4th and 5th winners were Abigya Salomon (St. Daniel Comboni) with an article titled “How to increase students’ interconnectivity” and Endrias Eshetu (BnB School) with an article titled “Indonesia-Ethiopia; How to increase student connectivity.”

“The winners and about 20 participants with the best writings will be invited to the Indonesian Embassy in Addis Ababa on 28 May 2022 to see the Indonesian Embassy, including seeing the Asia-Africa Museum which will be inaugurated on 27 May 2022,” said Ambassador Al Busyra Basnur, adding that this was the first writing competition for students regarding both countries diplomatic ties, as a result he underlined that students should witness firsthand the works of the embassy and the rich diplomatic history.


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