Ethiopia Calls for Depoliticization of Water Issues at Dushanbe Water Conference

Ethiopia is participating in the second high-level international decade for action “Water for Sustainable Development”, 2018-2028, which is organized by the Government of Tajikistan in cooperation with the United Nations and its entities in the city of Dushanbe.

The meeting aims at supporting sustainable development and integrated management of water resources, while promoting cooperation and partnership to achieve internationally agreed water-related goals and targets, including those contained in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

A high-level delegation, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Water and Energy, led by Ethiopia’s State Minister of Water and Energy Dr. Abraha Adugna is participating in the conference, according to Foreign Affairs Ministry.

Speaking at the event, Dr. Abraha Adugna reiterated Ethiopia’s commitment to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) which sets out to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

To realize the objectives of SDG 6, the Ethiopian Government has integrated it into its Ten-year National Development Plan further creating partnerships with local and external development actors, he said.

However, COVID-19 and Climate Change induced drought have threatened the implementation process that still needs intervention to address the needs of 50 million Ethiopians who have got no access to an adequate and safe Drinking water supply, and 80 percent of the population who are subject to poor sanitation, he added.

The State Minister said, supporting various engagements in environmentally friendly and efficient hydraulic infrastructure developments, such as the Green Legacy Initiative and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project, restore wetland ecosystems and foster regional partnership.

Depoliticizing water issues and forging genuine partnerships are indispensable to tackle the common challenges we have faced regarding water, he underlined.

The outcome of the conference will produce a final declaration and a co-chair’s summary document will consolidate the critical views of the stakeholders on key actions and partnerships necessary to take the water sector agenda forward globally and provide valuable inputs for the preparation of the UN 2023 water conference at the United Nations headquarter.

On the sideline of the meeting, State Minister Dr. Adugna had a bilateral meeting with the Minister of water of the Netherlands and discussed issues of mutual concerns.


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