World Bank Reaffirms Commitment to support Ethiopia

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Demeke Mekonnen on Thursday held a discussion with The World Bank Managing Director of Operations, Axel van Trotsenburg, in the Senegalese capital Dakar.

The ministry of foreign affairs (MoFA) in a statement issued after the meeting said Trotsenburg expressed the World bank’s confidence in Ethiopian Government the peace efforts and pledged economic and societal reforms that the Government will undertake in the next three years.

The World Bank Managing Director of Operationsspecifically, mentioned the Bank’s interest to support Ethiopia’s efforts in rebuilding infrastructure and transforming agriculture, as well as regional integration endeavors.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke is in Dakar to attend the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA22) Heads of State Summit which aims to call for a robust and resilient economic recovery for Africa.

The World Bank under IDA2020 had pledged to allocate $93.5 Billion for developing countries, where $66 Billion goes to 39 African countries of which $ 5.7 Billion is for Ethiopia.

Deputy Prime Minister Demeke appreciated the Bank for supporting Ethiopia’s Home-grown economic reforms and its aspiration for the country’s prosperity.

He explained positive developments that the government of Ethiopia has been undertaking to achieve durable peace in the country affirming unwavering commitments toward that end. The Minister finally invited the WB Managing Director to visit Ethiopia.


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