Bureau adjusts transport fares

Addis Abeba Transport Bureau (AATB) has announced an increase in transport fares a week after 38% hike on fuel price.

The fare increases vary between 50 cent and 6.50 Birr depending on the length of the route. Commuters on short taxi routes (up to ten kilometers) will now be asked to pay 13 Birr, up from 11 Birr.

The longest routes (up to 30 km) will cost 39.50 Birr, which increased by six Birr.

Meanwhile, the mid-bus commuters (Higher and Isuzu buses) are expected to pay 5.00 Birr for a journey up to 8km, up from 4.50 Birr. They will pay up to 7.50 Birr for up to 12 km single trips, up from 6.50 Birr.

The highest payment for mid-buses is 17 Birr for a journey from 24 to 28km, according to the price adjustment by AATB.

Meanwhile the Bureau announced that Anbessa and Sheger City buses fares will be adjusted in August, 2022.

By ethionegari@gmail.com

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