Africa for Africans event organizer urges promotion of AfCFTA

Organizer of the continental “Africa for Africans Event” which is slated to take place on October 21 to 23 said Tuesday that the event will create opportunities to stimulate talks on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

The event will be held at Friendship Park and Meskel Square.

Daniel Tiruneh, Organizer of the event said in a presser on Monday at Ambassador Hotel that, “The event mainly designed to bridge the gap in culture, art, business and investment and bring unity to communities and business across Africa.”

The event is organized in collaboration with the Directorate of African Affairs of the African Union, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Transport and Logistics, African Embassies based in Addis Abeba, and different organizations.

“The event will mainly create an opportunity to discuss about the AfCFTA due to the presence of continent’s business representatives,” Daniel said, adding, “AfCFTA office is headquartered in Ghana, but we’ve to grab the opportunity to bring the practice of free trade area into Ethiopia”.

“We’ve to collaborate to attract other missed opportunities in the continent to Ethiopia,” he urges. “We’ve got the potential to achieve that as embassies of all AU members are located in Addis Abeba”.

The event is therefore a spring board to bring African businesses together and discuss the prospects of AfCFTA, according to Daniel.

He went on to say that, “We are working with Ministry of Transport and Logistics to scale-up the efforts regarding the free trade area.”

The AfCFTA is one of the flagship projects of Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want. It is a high ambition trade agreement, with a comprehensive scope that includes critical areas of Africa’s economy, such as digital trade and investment protection, amongst other areas. By eliminating barriers to trade in Africa, the objective of the AfCFTA is to significantly boost intra-Africa trade, particularly trade in value-added production and trade across all sectors of Africa’s economy.

The annual “Africa to Africans” event further aims to share the beautiful cultures and values of Africans and highlight their business and investment opportunities. The three days event constitutes programs and shows in which different African nations will reflect their cultures and national values, held in exhibition booths prepared for participant countries. Apart from that, fashion show, auto show, dance and music concerts are part of the event.

The organizer is a founder of Eyudan Media PLC, which is widely known for its publication of Abyssinia Business Network, monthly English magazine.


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