Ethiopia Warns of Potential Actions to Protect National Interests in Somalia

Ethiopia Warns of Potential Actions to Protect National Interests in Somalia

Ethiopia has issued a strong warning regarding the protection of its national interests in Somalia, as stated by Ambassador Nebiyu Tedla, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during a press briefing on current diplomatic matters. When asked by journalists about the implications of recent military agreements between Egypt and Somalia on Ethiopia, Ambassador Nebiyu addressed concerns about Ethiopia's role in the region. He also responded to questions about the upcoming end of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) in December. With Somalia's peace and security institutions still lacking the necessary capacity, Egypt has expressed interest in contributing…
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Ethiopia to Withdraw Its Troops from Somalia

Ethiopia to Withdraw Its Troops from Somalia

Ethiopian peacekeeping forces stationed in Somalia are expected to leave the country by December 2024. Ethiopia is one of the countries that have contributed peacekeeping troops to Somalia under the umbrella of the African Union to combat the Al-Shabaab terrorist group. Other contributing countries include Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, and Burundi. Somalia has announced that it expects all Ethiopian soldiers on a peacekeeping mission in its country to be completely withdrawn by December 2024. Hussein Sheikh Ali, National Security Adviser to the President of Somalia, told VOA that after the end of the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) mission…
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Somalia asks UN to delay withdrawal of AU forces

Somalia asks UN to delay withdrawal of AU forces

Somalia is seeking a delay in the withdrawal of African Union peacekeeping forces in the country. BBC reported that the country has asked the UN to delay by three months the next phase of departure of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) troops. "Somalia formally requests a technical pause in the drawdown of the 3,000 ATMIS uniformed personnel by three months," the AFP news agency quotes a letter written to the UN by Somalia’s national security adviser Hussein Sheikh-Ali as saying. A total of 3,000 troops of the 17,000-strong force were due to leave by the end of…
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