Ethiopia Delays Decision on Minimum Wage Threshold

Ethiopia Delays Decision on Minimum Wage Threshold

The Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions (CETU) has repeatedly urged the government to establish a minimum wage level for workers across various sectors. Despite these calls, the determination of a national minimum wage remains pending, as the government has extended the decision-making period. In recent developments, the Ministry of Finance announced a significant budget allocation of 91.4 billion birr, designated for a salary increase for government employees. This move follows the government's announcement, made a month earlier, regarding the anticipated salary adjustments for public sector workers. This salary increase is set to benefit approximately 2.3 million federal and state government…
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Minimum Wage Fixing in Ethiopia: A long overdue & unanswered demand

Minimum Wage Fixing in Ethiopia: A long overdue & unanswered demand

By Solomon Zena Existing records within the Ethiopian trade union movement indicate that the issue of fixing a minimum wage in Ethiopia has long been overdue and remains unaddressed to this day. Seeking resolution, the Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions (CETU) has persistently appealed to policymakers and influencers to uphold the country's laws and respond to demands that have been stalled since 2019. Despite delays in implementing the law and responding to demands, Ethiopia has demonstrated its commitment to establishing a minimum wage system by taking several significant steps in that direction. Firstly, it has enshrined the legality of a…
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