
Cuba to host Latin America media conference in January

Cuba to host Latin America media conference in January

On January 21-22, 2024, Prensa Latina will host the Operation Truth International Forum, as the massive press conference convened in January 1959 by the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro was called. More than 400 journalists from Cuba and the world attended the meeting at the time, to include Latin America's voice in the international information system. The forum in early 2024 will be part of the festivities on the 65th anniversary of Prensa Latina, brewed during Operation Truth and turned into reality on June 16, 1959. Prensa Latina invites executives from more than one hundred media outlets,…
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Ethiopia Calls for Genuine Reform of Global Institutions

Ethiopia Calls for Genuine Reform of Global Institutions

Global South and China or G77 leaders summit kicked off in Havana, Cuba. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia Demeke Mekonnen called for genuine reform of global institutions to accommodate the interests of the global south. Demeke said unilateral sanctions and coercive economic actions hamper progress in science, technology, and economic development. He also noted facilitating knowledge and technology transfer through South-South cooperationfosters innovation and the implementation of SDGs. Ethiopia's digital strategy envisages an inclusive digital economy with wider benefits to the wider public Demeke also underscored. The Deputy Prime Minister told the Summit that Ethiopia has registered…
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G77 leaders meeting kicks off in Havana, Cuba

G77 leaders meeting kicks off in Havana, Cuba

Ethiopia Takes part in Group of 77 in Havana, Cuba Summit of the Group of 77 (G77) and China Heads of State and Governments kicked off in Havana, Cuba. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Federal Demicratic Republic of Ethiopia Demeke Mekonnen is in attendance heading the Ethiopian delegation to the summit. President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Canal Bermudez in his opening remark said due attention should be paid to the development of science and techonlogy is amatter of survival for the global South. Antonio Gutters, UN Secretary General on his part noted that Group77 and…
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