
Ethiopian Bank revises loan interest rates

Ethiopian Bank revises loan interest rates

The Development Bank of Ethiopia has revised the loan interest rates for agricultural projects. The bank announced a reduction in the interest rate for borrowers engaged in agricultural activities from 11.5 percent to 7 percent. This revision aims to encourage agricultural activities in Ethiopia by reducing the interest rate charged on loans to borrowers. The discounted loan interest seeks to utilize uncultivated land resources and encourage investors, farmers, and pastoralists in Ethiopia. The new interest rate of 7 percent applies to small, medium, and corporate project loan applicants in the agricultural investment sector. The Ethiopian Development Bank is a government…
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Ethiopian Development Bank total capital grows to 36 billion birr

Ethiopian Development Bank total capital grows to 36 billion birr

Ethiopian Development Bank total capital reachs to 36 billion birr. The bank has come out of the pressures of the last three years and is moving to do a better job and announced that the total capital of the bank has reached 36 billion birr. The bank announced this in its statement regarding the fourth round of training for operators of small and medium enterprises. According to the President of the Bank, Yohannes Ayalew, the bank, which has been in a steep decline in the past three years, is now moving in the right direction. The president said that three…
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Ethiopian development bank earned more than two billion birr

Ethiopian development bank earned more than two billion birr

The Ethiopian Development Bank, which has been in losses for the past few years, has announced that it has earned 2.3 billion birr in the last three months. The company's income is 33 percent higher compared to the last year, said the president of the bank, Dr. Yohannes Ayalew. The president also said that the strict control and monitoring method followed by the bank is the main reason for the earned income. It is said that the bank was able to achieve 87 percent of its target of income, especially by reducing the non-performing loans and monitoring the loan collection.…
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