
China commences to build a center of technological excellence in Ethiopia

China commences to build a center of technological excellence in Ethiopia

The construction of this technological excellence center will cost nine billion birr The Ethiopian Electricity Service and the Chinese Civil Engineering Corporation have signed a contract document to build a technology excellence center. The construction of the center of excellence will be built on the premises of the institute located in Kotebe, Addis Ababa and 9.3 billion birr has been allocated for the project. The agreement was signed by the Chief Executive Officer of Ethiopian Electricity Service, Shiferaw Telila and the Executive Managing Director of China Civil Engineering Corporation's Ethiopian branch, Wu Jui. Mr Shiferaw stated that when the center…
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China Gives more than one billion birr for Addis Ababa railway Maintenance

China Gives more than one billion birr for Addis Ababa railway Maintenance

Addis Ababa, ET, 14 February 2023:- China provides 1.22 billion birr for Addis Ababa light rail maintenance Ethiopia and China signed 1.22 billion Birr (155 million Chinese Yuan) financial support agreement for Addis Ababa light rail transport service exchange in Addis Ababa. With the financial support, 573 types of spare parts for Addis Ababa light rail transport service will be provided for 5 systems. The financial agreement was done based on the economic and technical cooperation agreement signed two years ago between the governments of China and Ethiopia. The agreement was signed by the Minister of Finance Ahmed Shide on…
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