
Eritrean President accuses the US of supporting the rebels in Ethiopia

Eritrean President accuses the US of supporting the rebels in Ethiopia

Addia Ababa, EN, 13 February, 2023 Eritrean President accuses the US of supporting the rebels in Ethiopia. Eritrean President accuses the US of supporting the rebels in Ethiopia.Eritrean President accuses the US of supporting the rebels in Ethiopia. Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki has accused the United States of supporting Tigray rebels during the recent civil war in northern Ethiopia. In an interview with the local media yesterday, the president said that the United States helped the rebels not to be defeated in the peace agreement signed between Ethiopia and the People’s Liberation Front of Tigray (TPLF). The peace agreement signed…
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Eritrea and Kenya agreed to end visa requirements for citizens

Eritrea and Kenya agreed to end visa requirements for citizens

Eritrea and Kenya agreed to end visa requirements for citizens Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki is visiting Kenya. Eritrea Minister of Information, Yemane Gebremeskel, wrote on his Twitter page that the President discussed various issues with his Kenyan counterpart, William Ruto, during his two-day official visits in Nairobi. The minister mentioned that the presidents of the two countries have discussed bilateral and regional issues and added that they have agreed to allow the citizens of the two countries to move without visas starting today. According to this agreement, Kenyans can move to Eritrea and Eritreans can move to Kenya without a…
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