
ILO: Labor Income Decline Threatens SDGs, Increases Inequality

ILO: Labor Income Decline Threatens SDGs, Increases Inequality

Global labour income share declines putting upward pressure on inequality, SDG targets not on track According to the International Labour Organization, the widening gap between labour and capital income and the challenges facing young people in the job market are worrying. In its newly-released World Employment and Social Outlook: September 2024 Update, the International Labour Organization (ILO) finds upward pressure on inequality as the labour income share stagnates and a large share of youth remains out of employment, education or training. The report indicates slow progress on key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the 2030 deadline approaches. The study reveals that…
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Ethiopia reveals over 800,000 citizens migrated to foreign countries

Ethiopia reveals over 800,000 citizens migrated to foreign countries

Over the past five years, more than 800,000 Ethiopians have migrated to foreign countries, comprising a demographic where 78 percent are young individuals, predominantly women. The motivations driving this significant migration flow are multifaceted. Factors such as limited employment opportunities, pervasive poverty, regional conflicts disrupting peace, inadequate access to essential resources, as well as the adverse impacts of climate change and natural disasters, collectively contribute to the decision to seek opportunities beyond Ethiopia's borders. Among the intriguing drivers behind Ethiopian migration is the aspiration to secure livelihoods and improve the quality of life for themselves and their families. It's noteworthy…
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Minimum Wage Fixing in Ethiopia: A long overdue & unanswered demand

Minimum Wage Fixing in Ethiopia: A long overdue & unanswered demand

By Solomon Zena Existing records within the Ethiopian trade union movement indicate that the issue of fixing a minimum wage in Ethiopia has long been overdue and remains unaddressed to this day. Seeking resolution, the Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions (CETU) has persistently appealed to policymakers and influencers to uphold the country's laws and respond to demands that have been stalled since 2019. Despite delays in implementing the law and responding to demands, Ethiopia has demonstrated its commitment to establishing a minimum wage system by taking several significant steps in that direction. Firstly, it has enshrined the legality of a…
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