
Huawei earns more than $5 billion net profit in 2022

Huawei earns more than $5 billion net profit in 2022

One of the world telecom company, Huawei rose its total assets to $145 billion. Huawei released its 2022 Annual Report form it's headquarter Shenzhen, China. The company reports steady operations throughout 2022, having generated $93 billion in revenue and $5.2 billion in net profits. Huawei continues to strengthen investment in R&D, with an annual expenditure of $23 billion in 2022, representing 25.1% of the company's annual revenue and bringing its total R&D expenditure over the past 10 years. "In 2022, a challenging external environment and non-market factors continued to take a toll on Huawei's operations", said Eric Xu, Huawei's Rotating…
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