
South Sudan Ratifies the Nile Basin Cooperative Framework Agreement

South Sudan Ratifies the Nile Basin Cooperative Framework Agreement

South Sudan has become the sixth country to ratify the Nile Cooperative Framework Agreement (CFA) in Parliament. The 11 member countries of the Nile Basin Cooperative Framework Agreement drafted and signed the agreement in Entebbe, Uganda, by the Nile Basin riparian countries to ensure the equitable use of the Nile River. The agreement stipulates that if six of the 11 Nile Basin countries ratify it in their parliaments, the Permanent Commission of the Nile Basin States can become fully operational. According to Nabil Mahdi, Ethiopia's Ambassador to South Sudan, the framework of the Nile Agreement has already been ratified by…
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Ethiopia completes filling of Africa biggest dam on Nile river.

Ethiopia completes filling of Africa biggest dam on Nile river.

Ethiopia completes filling of Africa biggest dam on Nile river. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that, the fourth and final filling of the Great Ethiopia Renaissance Dam (GERD) has been completed. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced the completion of the fourth and final filling of the Renaissance Dam with great joy. In the message posted by the Prime Minister on his social media pages, "Congratulations to everyone who participated in the work with their money, knowledge, energy and prayers. This cooperation should be repeated in our other issues as well," he said. The total construction of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance…
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