Call for Application for 400 Postgraduate Scholarships for Students from OSC Member States

Call for Application for 400 Postgraduate Scholarships for Students from OSC Member States

The Organisation of Southern Cooperation (OSC) is pleased to announce 400 postgraduate scholarship benefits to students from OSC Member States. This initiative, developed in collaboration with the International Cooperation Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB), aligns with the OSC’s commitment to promoting international academic mobility and South-South cooperation as a means to break down barriers, build bridges between different cultures and communities through education, and give individuals the tools to become agents of change. Apply Scholarships apply to a wide range of Master’s and Doctoral programmes at renowned Brazilian universities. Full details will be available on the 2024 GCUB Call for Applications (30 April 2024).…
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OSC and AFLAX  signed A New Partnership Agreement

OSC and AFLAX  signed A New Partnership Agreement

An imperative requirement of South-South cooperation and solidarity for a just, prosperous, and sustainable Third Way of Development was concluded yesterday following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Secretary-General of the Organisation of Southern Cooperation (OSC), Manssour Bin Mussallam, and the Chief of Academy of the African Leadership Excellence Academy (AFLEX), Mr. Zadig Abreha, at the Headquarters of the intergovernmental organisation in Addis Ababa.  The forging of this MOU will open up a new way of development for the OSC and AFLEX to build sustainable partnership in the areas of capacity building and research undertaking initiatives. …
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OSC to Establish a Regional Trans disciplinary Research Institute in Gambia

OSC to Establish a Regional Trans disciplinary Research Institute in Gambia

The Secretary-General of the Organisation of Southern Cooperation (OSC), Sheikh Manssour Bin Mussallam, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology of the Republic of The Gambia, Professor Pierre GOMEZ, at the OSC Headquarters in Addis Ababa.  The Memorandum of Understanding aims to establish a leading Regional Trans disciplinary Research Institute of the OSC in Gambia to reinforce South-South cooperation through knowledge production, sharing, translation, and transmission.  This OSC Regional Trans disciplinary Research Institute will contribute to advancing balanced and inclusive education systems that address and respond to contextualized needs of communities and societies, and thus participate in…
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OSC Institute and Library inaugurates in Addis Ababa

OSC Institute and Library inaugurates in Addis Ababa

January 29th marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Balanced and Inclusive Education (UDBIE), and the establishment of the Organisation of Southern Cooperation (OSC) with the election of the first Secretary-General. Celebrating this 4th twin anniversary, OSC held a series of events today under the leadership of its Secretary General, Sheikh Manssour Bin Mussallam, and the Minister of Innovation and Technology of Ethiopia, Belete Molla Getahun, as Guest of Honour, and with Ethiopian officials, the Addis-Ababa- based diplomatic community, Faculty Deans, Heads of Academic Research Centres, higher learning students in attendance. Stock was taken of the occasion to inaugurate…
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Global Southern countries organizes CLUB to tackle Debt Burdens

Global Southern countries organizes CLUB to tackle Debt Burdens

OSC Ministers of Finance Approves the Establishment of the Common Leveraging Union of Borrowers (CLUB). Finance Ministers of the Member States of the Organisation of Southern Cooperation have adopted the Bylaws establishing the Common Leveraging Union of Borrowers (CLUB) which is a union of sovereign debtors that aims to pool  capacities of member states to reduce external debt burdens and secure more favourable fresh financing that is conducive to transformative, sustainable and multidimensional development through borrower-coordination and collective negotiations with creditors. The meeting took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, between 28 and 29 November 2023, at the invitation of Secretary-General…
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