
Houthi Attack on Red Sea Disrupts Ethiopian Coffee Export

Houthi Attack on Red Sea Disrupts Ethiopian Coffee Export

Ethiopian coffee Export trade was disrupted for three days due to an attack by Houthi militants on the Red Sea. The Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority has issued a statement regarding the performance of the coffee export trade for the 2023/24 fiscal year. According to the Director General of the Coffee and Tea Authority, Adugna Debala, Ethiopia had planned to earn $1.7 billion by exporting 350,000 tons of coffee in the current fiscal year. However, the actual performance fell short, with the country earning $1.4 billion by exporting 298,000 tons of coffee to foreign markets. Debala noted that the coffee…
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Ethiopia Declares Military Readiness to Counter Threats

Ethiopia Declares Military Readiness to Counter Threats

Field Marshal Birhanu Jula, the Chief of General Staff of the National Defense Army, has announced the army's preparedness to repel attacks from any direction. Speaking during the inauguration ceremony of officers trained by the Ethiopian Military Academy for the 24th round of Hurso Contingent Training, the Commander-in-Chief emphasized that the Ethiopian Defense Forces are more prepared than ever. Addressing the graduating military officers, Field Marshal Birhanu highlighted Ethiopia's quest for a peaceful resolution in securing access to a sea gate, amidst challenges posed by historical adversaries seeking to exacerbate internal strife. While refraining from explicitly naming the forces deemed…
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Ethiopia Secures Port Agreement with Somaliland

Ethiopia Secures Port Agreement with Somaliland

In a significant development, Ethiopia has successfully negotiated a port agreement with the semi-independent region of Somaliland, fulfilling its longstanding quest for access to a Red Sea port. The Office of Prime minister Ethiopia announced that a memorandum of understanding has been signed between Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Somaliland President Musa Bihi Abdi in the capital city of Addis Ababa. Despite the milestone achievement, key details of the agreement, such as its duration, financial considerations, and specific terms, have not been disclosed by either party involved. The lack of transparency on these critical aspects raises questions about the intricacies…
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US Concerns over Ethiopia’s Sea Gate Quest

US Concerns over Ethiopia’s Sea Gate Quest

The United States House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, African Affairs Subcommittee, conducted a hearing last night focused on the topic of "Hope or Threat in Ethiopia, the State of U.S. Policy." During the hearing, committee members questioned Mike Hamer, the US special envoy for the Horn of Africa, regarding Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's request for a sea gate. Mike Hamer expressed concern over Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's statement that "the port issue is an issue of survival for Ethiopia," emphasizing that it not only poses a threat to the countries in the region but also to the United States.…
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Ethiopian authorities cautioned about Red Sea comment

Ethiopian authorities cautioned about Red Sea comment

Ethiopian Scholars have stressed that the statements given by the authorities about the Red Sea case should be cautious. Addis Ababa University organized a discussion forum for scholars on the Ethiopian sea gate matter. Scholars who presented research and held discussions on this scholarly forum cautioned the authorities to be careful with their statements, emphasizing the need for a cautious and diplomatic approach. In this workshop titled "Equitable Port Use for Sustainable Peace and Development in the Horn of Africa", a wide intellectual discussion was held about the options by which Ethiopia can peacefully own the sea gate. The historical…
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