
Ethiopia bans Telegram application

Ethiopia bans Telegram application

The social networking page of the Telegram application in Ethiopia has not been working since early morning of Wednesday, July 26, 2023. It is estimated that the restriction was imposed in connection with this year's 12th grade exam which starts today. However, the government has not yet given information as to why it has banned Telegram, and the application is running on a VPN. Following the conflict in related with Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in the Oromia region, Ethiopia has banned some social networking applications for five months. Accordingly, people have been using VPN (virtual private network) to access social…
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Internet blockade costs Ethiopia more than 7 billion birr

Internet blockade costs Ethiopia more than 7 billion birr

Ethiopia deprived more than seven billion birr due to internet blockade Since last February, Ethiopia has restricted Internet access on some social media. Ethiopia blocks TikTok, Telegram, Facebook and YouTube in all part of the country. As a result of the Internet ban, Ethiopia has lost 7.6 billion birr income, according to the Center for the Development of Rights and Democracy. "Since 2008, internet blockade is a problem that has been getting worse in Ethiopia," the center said. The Internet blockades signaled that democracy and the development of digital technology were against it. The center also stated that, the government's…
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