
Zemen Bank Buys a 47 million birr stakes from Ethiopian Securities Exchange

Zemen Bank Buys a 47 million birr stakes from Ethiopian Securities Exchange

An Investment Agreement between the Ethiopian Securities Exchange(ESX) and Zemen Bank SC will bring the launch of the ESX closer to realization, provides much need financial resources towards a first launch. Zemen Bank, one of Ethiopia’s leading private banks, announced today a significant equity investment in the Ethiopian Securities Exchange (ESX), the first modern securities exchange under establishment in Ethiopia. This investment reflects the Bank’s long-standing commitment to be at the forefront of major innovations and technological advancements taking place within Ethiopia’s financial services industry. Zemen Bank’s equity investment will be in an amount of 47.5 million birr and is…
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Zemen Bank Posts Annual Revenue of 2.1 Billion Birr

Zemen Bank Posts Annual Revenue of 2.1 Billion Birr

Zemen Bank, one of the private banks in Ethiopia, posted a 2.1 billion Birr revenue in the 2021/22 financial year, its annual report shows. The amount is 95% of the 2.21 billion birr target officials of the bank set for the June 2022 ended year, according to the report. The figure is also reletively less than its record annual revenue set in the preceding year which is 2.85 Billion birr. Ermias Eshetu, Board Chairperson of Zemen, presented the bank’s annual report to 14th Annual General & 11th Extraordinary shareholders Meeting on Saturday. His report shows, Zemen’s deposits and loans reached…
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