Ethiopia, Germany Sign €32 million Financing Agreement

 Ethiopia and Germany have signed a €32 million agreement that will finance a technical and vocational digitization program of the Ministry of Labour and Skills.

The financing greement was signed between the Ministry of Labour and Skills, and the government of Germany through the German Development Bank (KfW) on Wednesday.

Labour Minister Muferihat Kamil said recent collaboration with development partners has brought significant results in acquiring the financial and technical support needed to accomplish the goals set for the sector. 

“Today, we have signed a program agreement for 32 million euros with the German Government through the German Development Bank KfW,” the minister announced.

In addition, she said ICT infrastructure equipment valued at 500 million birr have been handed over to 20 technical and vocational institutions.  

The support to the institutions is a part of government’s push to achieve the new Technical and Vocational Digitization Program for the sector, said Muferihat after bilateral talks with Christoph Tiskens, KfW Director for the African Union and East Africa, today.

During their discussion, Tiskens and his team appreciated the transformation process in the sector and pledged to continue their support, according to the Ministry of Labour and Skill.


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