TPLF starts handing over heavy weapons to Federal Government

TPLF starts handing over heavy weapons to Federal Government.

The federal government and the TPLF started handling the heavy weapons

Following the agreement reached between the federal government and the leaders of the Tigray People’s Liberation front in South Africa and Kenya, the first round of heavy weapons was handed over yesterday.

The handover took place at Agula camp, 36 kilometers from Mekele city, and military observers from various countries were also present at the handover.

Lt. Col. Aleme Tadele, the commander of the Ethiopian national defense army deployed in the area, stated that they have received various types of heavy weapons in accordance with the peace agreement reached between the federal government and the leaders of TPLF.

The types of equipment that the TPLF handed over to our defense forces are armored tanks. Various cannons, rockets, zoos, mortars and pumps Lt. Col. Aleme added.

African Union Observer Committees were present to observe the handover ceremony and among the observers, Brigadier General Adwa Lebukan Peter stated that the handover of heavy weapons by both sides will strengthen the peace process that has begun.

He also added that, the peace process between the federal government and TPLF is surprising to the world, so I would like to express my gratitude to the entire people and those who are implementing the agreement.


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