Ethiopia to ban prostitution and Begging

The Ministry of Women and Social Affairs has announced that it is preparing a “Social Protection Fund” bill that will stop the widespread begging.

The “Social Protection Fund” bill drafted by the Federal Ministry of Women and Social Affairs is expected to “solve” the growing street prostitution, begging and other social crises nationwide.

According to Derje Taye, Executive Public Relations Officer of the Ministry told Wazema Radio, in the past, there were attempts at the Addis Ababa city level to prevent street sex and begging, but due to the lack of a legal framework, the issue remained a one-time issue.

When the legal framework to “avoid” begging is completed, a system will be established to help people through a single buffer; It has been said that both the giver and the receiver will be held responsible for giving out of this system.

When the bill comes into effect, it is believed by the government that it will “find a solution” to the current increase in begging; It has been stated that repeated discussions are being held with religious institutions to work together on the issue.

In particular, the Ethiopia has received support from World Bank on various occasions to help those who live on the streets, but considering the scale of the problem, the number of street children is still doubling.

According to the government estimation, there are 88,960 begging citizens in Addis Ababa, and 50,000 of them live on the streets of the capital, according to data released in early 2022.

The “Social Protection Fund” bill has been drafted has a major role to play in curbing begging and will prevent poor people from giving in every way and it will also make people who are engaged in begging beggarly.

A system is being developed to provide support to the needy sections of the society through the support of domestic and foreign bodies.

In order to create a citizen who hates begging, a work department has been established that provides psychological support and development.

The bill has been completed in draft form and sent from the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs to the Ministry of Justice.


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