Three people killed in Kobo, Amhara region by ENDF

Following the government’s decision to dissolve and reorganize the regional special forces, eye witnesses said that three people were killed in Kobo area.

Following the government’s decision, the national defense army deployed to enforce the decision, and roads were closed in various areas due to the protests in Amhara region.

As a result of the dispute between the security forces and roadblocks in the Kobo area, residents said that, three people were killed by security forces and also happening heavy confrontation in the area, Addis Maleda reported.

The fighting was between the defense, an armed force known as “Fano” and members of the special forces of the region who do not accept the government’s decision.

Local residents indicated that, they were concerned about the shooting and the parties to cooperate to prevent the problem from getting worse.

The federal government has announced that it has set options to dissolve the regional special forces and include them in the defense army, federal police and regular police.

However, Amhara region residents are saying that “the decision is to disarm and disband the special force of the region.

As a result, activities are being carried out to indicate that the public protests that were sparked in the past days are continuing today in various areas.

The regional government has stated that, the decision has created a lot of dissatisfaction among the people of the region due to the information gap.

The region is under threat from other forces, including the TPLF, residents added.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced in a statement on the issue that, the plan will put in practice by any cost.


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