Ethiopian migrants arrested in Tanzania

Police in Tanzania are holding 63 Ethiopian migrants after their arrest in the south-western Njombe region, near the border with Malawi.

Njombe regional police commander Hamis Issah told BBC that, the migrants were arrested after their lorry was involved in an accident over the weekend.

Mr Issah said about 100 Ethiopian immigrants sneaked into the country through the porous border between Tanzania and Kenya.

About 40 others are said to be on the run.

Ethiopian migrants seeking better living conditions in South Africa often transit through Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique to reach their destination.

Local media say Tanzania is detaining more than 4,000 irregular migrants and often repatriates those willing to return home.

Several Ethiopians are detaining in many countries when they trying to travel illegally. Tanzania is one of the main illegal migrants rout to South Africa.

Last week, dozens of Ethiopians arrested by Thailand police when they’re trying to travel to Myanmar, Ethiopia ministry of foreign affairs stated in its weekly briefing.

The government of Tanzania deported more than 260 Ethiopians who’re detained by border security guards.    


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