Ethiopia gets ready ex-navy warships for national duty

The land locked East African country is getting ready its former navy warships that have been out of service for decades.

Field Marshal Berhanu Jula, the Commander-in-Chief of Defense of Ethiopia, visited these out dated ex-navy war ships and combat boats.

The Chief of staff of the Armed Forces, Field Marshal Birhanu Jula, visited the fast fighter boats that were returned to service by the Air Force Aviation Heavy Maintenance Center.

The warships were previously used by the Ethiopian Navy and they will strengthen the readiness of the navy again, General Berhanu said.

The Air Force Aviation Heavy Maintenance Center has equipped boats that have been retired for more than 30 years and are out of service with fast fighter boat technology and equipment.

Ethiopia announced two years ago that starts reorganizing its navy.

Ethiopia had its own port and navy before Eritrea seceded through a referendum 30 years ago, but after the secession of Asmara, Addis Ababa remained in a land locked country.

After Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed came to power five years ago, the National Defense Force is reorganizing the Navy.

Ethiopia also signed a military agreement with France to organize a naval force, and following the start of the war in northern Ethiopia, France announced that its withdrawal from this agreement.

After the peace agreement that ended this war was signed in Pretoria, South Africa under the auspices of the African Union, it has not yet been officially announced that France has returned to the agreement.

The training of Ethiopian navy personnel, the purchase of weapons and other military cooperation were included in this military agreement.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has traveled to Paris twice in recent months and consulted with President Emmanuel Macron.


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