Ethiopian Airlines in negotiation with Airbus and Boeing to buy 26 planes

Ethiopia Airlines Group will take delivery of eight of the 26 aircraft it has ordered in a few months, the chief executive officer of the organization said.

Mr. Mesfin Tasew the CEO pointed out that, the airline is in negotiations to buy an additional 26 new planes from Boeing and Airbus companies.

The airline has announced that it will take delivery of eight aircraft over the next few months.

Among the purchased planes, the airline will take delivery of eight passenger planes in a few months, he said.

He stated that, the rest of the passenger planes will arrive at a later date and the airline has plans to induct more aircraft.

On the other hand, the airline said that the two airplanes it purchased from Boeing Company in June will be delivered in September and October.

On the other hand, he said that the airline will add six flight destinations in October and November in order to expand more international destinations.

The airline group will start new flights to Madrid, London, Amsterdam,Hanoi and central African Republic capital Bangui.

The CEO stated that, the airline is working with a plan to increase its revenue by 22 percent in the current fiscal year.

He stated that in addition to increasing the number of aircraft and expanding the flight access, infrastructure expansion and customer service improvement work is being carried out.

Ethiopian Airlines Group currently has 145 aircraft and flying to 134 international cities.


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