A government force kills More than 49 civilians in a day

A government force kills More than 49 civilians in Amhara region in a day

Enat Party announced in its statement that more than 49 civilians were killed in the Amhara region in a day.

According to the party’s statement, on Sunday, September 3, 2023, more than 29 civilians were brutally killed in Majete city, North Showa zone, Amhara region by the national defence force.

“We have confirmed that among the dead are children, young people and the elderly.”  The party said, “On September 3, 2023, more than 11 civilians were massacred by the drone attack by the government on Moseba Shime Abo Kebele Hall, Bibune District, East Gojjam Zone.”  The party said.

On the same day, in West Gojjam Zone, Dega Damot District, Arafa Madhanemalem Kebele, in a place called maksegno gebeya, more than nine civilians were killed in drone strikes by the government.

“We strongly condemn the repeated actions against innocent citizens,” and “this government’s brutal actions and massacres against innocent citizens must be stopped immediately as it is a crime that causes accountability in history and in law.”  the party urged.

The party added that “as we have repeatedly tried to express, the complex political problems of our country cannot be solved by war, but only by dialogue.” 

“We have repeatedly asked the government to immediately stop the war that is being waged in the Amhara region and solve problems only through dialogue.”  The party also mentioned that politics led by greed and competition is the main cause for destruction.

The party pointed out that, “even if hearing is lost, we will continue to strengthen our work to make the people of Ethiopia know the truth and the international community to understand the truth.” 

The European Union, United States, African Union and many local and international human rights institutions are demanding an end to the ongoing fighting between the National Defense Forces and Fano militants in the Amhara region.

Also, many countries and institutions, including the United Nations Human Rights Commission, are urging the government to stop arbitrarily arresting citizens because of their identity.

By ethionegari@gmail.com

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