Tension raises between Special Forces and federal security forces in Amhara region

According to the Amhara national movement, the federal securities started the movement to disarm Amhara Special Forces.

Due to this, there is high tension between the special forces of the region and federal security institutions.

The party stated that the government’s decision to disarm the region’s special force without adequate preparation, discussion, mutual understanding, and trust, and the way it is going to implement the decision, is irresponsible.

The party reminded the Federal Government and the Amhara National Regional Government that the issue is not limited to the Amhara region, but it is a dangerous approach that will create great instability at the national level and push the region and Ethiopia into another cycle of crisis.

Therefore, the executive of the ruling party has asked to immediately reverse the decision and to hold a discussion and consultation with the government and people of Amhara.

The movement urged all leaders and members of the Special Force Police of the Amhara region, who are engaged in camps, to be careful so that the situation does not get out of control.

The war between the federal government and TPLF in northern Ethiopia for the past two years ended after the signing of the peace agreement in South Africa under the auspices of the African Union.

Amhara Special Forces have been fighting against TPLF on the side of the National Defense Army and have been protecting the national defense from serious damage.

 However, following the decision of the federal government to disarm the regional Special Forces after the peace agreement, it faced opposition in the Amhara region.

Amhara region is facing security threats from the TPLF and Oromo Liberation Army, and Amhara ethnic communities are under contentious attacks in oromia region and Addis Ababa.

By ethionegari@gmail.com

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