
ILO Reveals 70% of Global Workers at Risk from Climate Change

ILO Reveals 70% of Global Workers at Risk from Climate Change

The health consequences of climate change can include cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory illnesses, kidney disfunction and mental health conditions. A “staggering” number of workers, amounting to more than 70 per cent of the global workforce, are likely to be exposed to climate-change-related health hazards, and existing occupational safety and health (OSH) protections are struggling to keep up with the resulting risks, according to a new report by the International Labour Organization (ILO). The report, Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate, says that climate change is already having a serious impact on the safety and health of workers in…
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Climate Change: Over 250,000 Annual Deaths Projected in Africa

Climate Change: Over 250,000 Annual Deaths Projected in Africa

Recent projections suggest that over 250,000 lives could be lost annually in Africa due to the escalating effects of climate change. The urgency of this crisis was underscored at a recent forum convened in Addis Ababa by the Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance, in collaboration with esteemed organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the African Health and Research Foundation (AMREF), and the Ministry of Health Ethiopia. The forum brought together a diverse array of stakeholders, including climate change experts, health professionals, policymakers, and institutional leaders, to address the multifaceted challenges posed by climate change. Dr. Mithika Mwenda, the Executive…
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Kenya Warns of Reassessing Energy Deal with Ethiopia

Kenya Warns of Reassessing Energy Deal with Ethiopia

Ethiopia's burgeoning energy sector has been pivotal in supplying electricity to several East African nations, including Sudan, Djibouti, and Kenya. The Ethiopian government is actively exploring opportunities to expand its energy exports to additional countries through ongoing feasibility studies. In recent developments, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's visit to Tanzania resulted in the signing of an agreement for the sale of 400 MW of energy, underscoring Ethiopia's commitment to regional energy cooperation. However, concerns have arisen in Kenya following a court decision that imposes restrictions on further energy agreements without thorough examination of existing contracts. This decision was prompted by concerns…
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Britain Cuts Off Tariffs to Ethiopian Flowers

Britain Cuts Off Tariffs to Ethiopian Flowers

Britain has announced a significant policy change regarding the importation of Ethiopian flowers, allowing them to enter the country duty-free. The British Trade Commission issued a statement lifting the 8 percent tax previously imposed on traders importing flower products into the UK, effective from April 11, 2024. This decision marks a pivotal moment for both British and East African economies. John Humphrey, the British Trade Commissioner, highlighted the positive implications of this move, emphasizing that tax-free imports will not only benefit flower producers and traders in East African countries but also stimulate flower production in Britain. Humphrey emphasized the mutual…
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Tukusanyukidde! "this Ugandan phrase that translates to "welcome "in English is a warm and inviting greeting that embodies the hospitality and openness of the Baganda people. In the enchanting land of Uganda, nature parents a breathtaking masterpiece. From the lush green landscapes, greeneries, melodious echoes from the parks, the natural havens that home an orchestra of wildlife, the awe-inspiring falls, and the rich tradition of the Baganda people, these are just a few examples of the extraordinary diverse tapestry of Uganda's tourism awaiting with open arms for your eager exploration! Uganda, often hailed as the "Pearl of Africa," a term…
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Ethiopia Braces for Potential Floods crisis in Multiple Regions

Ethiopia Braces for Potential Floods crisis in Multiple Regions

Autumn rains are set to intensify across various regions of Ethiopia in the coming days, posing a risk of flash floods in many areas. The Ethiopian Meteorological Institute has issued a forecast indicating a significant increase in rainfall over the next 10 days, particularly in regions known for autumn crop cultivation. According to the institute, light to moderate rainfall is expected to blanket a wide expanse of autumn growing areas. However, areas such as East Showa, Addis Ababa, East Amhara, Harar, Diredawa, and Aisha of Somali region are anticipated to experience heavy rainfall, potentially leading to flash floods due to…
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Ethiopia Suspends Fuel Subsidies from April

Ethiopia Suspends Fuel Subsidies from April

Ethiopia, which entirely relies on imports for its fuel needs, has been subsidizing fuel to prevent transportation costs from escalating. Last year, the Ministry of Transport announced its decision to gradually diminish and eventually halt fuel subsidies due to heightened government expenditures and financial constraints. The suspension of fuel subsidies for companies not engaged in public transportation services began a year ago. Now, it has been declared that vehicles providing public transportation will also no longer receive fuel subsidies. The Fuel and Energy Authority has specified that minibuses, which have been benefiting from fuel subsidies since 2023, will cease to…
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Ethiopia Enforces Complete Ban on Fuel-Powered Vehicle Imports

Ethiopia Enforces Complete Ban on Fuel-Powered Vehicle Imports

After months of deliberation, the Ethiopian government has taken decisive action by implementing a ban on the importation of private service vehicles that rely on fuel. Companies involved in importing vehicles from various countries into Ethiopia have been notified that they are no longer permitted to import fuel-run vehicles as of last week. This directive extends to vehicles sourced from the Middle East, Europe, and South Africa, a decision that has left importers grappling with significant losses and challenges. Reports from affected parties indicate a sense of frustration and financial strain resulting from the abrupt enforcement of the ban. Many…
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Japan Supports IOM’s Flood Response in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia

Japan Supports IOM’s Flood Response in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia

In line with International Organization for Migration (IOM) Global Appeal 2024, IOM welcomes the Government of Japan support towards the flood response in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia that saw more than 1 million people displaced and 5 million affected. According to the Kenya Red Cross, El Niño floods have displaced more than 300,000 people resulting in over 181 deaths. More than 17,000 livestock deaths have been reported in different parts of the country since floods began in November 2023. In addition, over 1,300 businesses and over 25,000 acres of farmland destroyed. Out of Kenya’s 47 counties, 38 were affected, with the highest…
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Ethiopia Nears Completion of Africa’s Largest Dam on Nile River

Ethiopia Nears Completion of Africa’s Largest Dam on Nile River

Ethiopia has achieved a significant milestone in the construction of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), with only 5% remaining to complete the project, Africa's largest dam on the Nile River. The National Council for Public Participation Coordinating Office of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam has announced that after 13 years of construction, the GERD is now 95% complete. This includes the completion of 98.9% of the dam's civil works, with the electro-mechanical works also nearing finalization. In terms of electricity generation, the GERD is currently producing 540 megawatts with two turbines. Mr. Hailu Abraham, the Public Relations Director of…
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