
US Urges End to Civilian Kidnappings in Ethiopia

US Urges End to Civilian Kidnappings in Ethiopia

The United States Ambassador to Ethiopia has called for an immediate halt to the kidnapping of students and other civilians in the Amhara and Oromia regions. Last week, several students traveling from Debark University, located in Amhara region were abducted. The attack, reportedly carried out by militants near Gebre Guracha in the North Showa Zone of the Oromia Region, occurred close to Addis Ababa. While neither the federal government nor the Oromia regional government has issued an official statement, the families of the kidnapped students informed various media outlets that their children were taken by armed men. The US Embassy…
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Over 590 Human Right Violations recorded in Ethiopia- UN

Over 590 Human Right Violations recorded in Ethiopia- UN

-UN High Commissioner calls for sustained efforts to halt violations in Ethiopia UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk today called for concrete measures to halt the human rights violations and abuses that continue to endanger reconciliation and peace in Ethiopia. “I urge the parties to the conflict to halt ongoing hostilities and to resolve difference through peaceful means. It is essential that the authorities take all feasible steps to protect civilians, prevent further violations, and ensure there are full investigations to bring those responsible to justice,” Türk said. The High Commissioner’s call came as the UN Human Rights…
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UN warns Ethiopia’s Justice for past abuses must be victim-centred

UN warns Ethiopia’s Justice for past abuses must be victim-centred

UN announced that justice for past abuses must be victim centred and include criminal prosecutions, reparations, truth-seeking and institutional reforms. New report issued today by the UN Human Rights Office and the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) calls on the Government of Ethiopia to ensure that ongoing efforts to address the country’s legacy of human rights violations and abuses are grounded in applicable international human rights law, and consistently focus on the rights and needs of victims and their families.The 91-page report sets out findings of 15 community consultations held from July 2022 to March this year with more than 800 participants,…
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Government Security forces commits unlawful killing and Rape in Amhara – Human Rights Body

Government Security forces commits unlawful killing and Rape in Amhara – Human Rights Body

Ethiopia Human Rights Commission (EHRC) stated that killings by government security forces in the Amhara region continued. EHRC has released its investigation report on the ongoing war in the Amhara region. Since July 2023, all zones in the Amhara region have been under fierce fighting with government security forces and an entity commonly known as Fano, the commission said. The war is undergoing heavy weaponry and occasional air/drone strikes in some areas, and civilian deaths and injuries have been reported. Innocent people, including a child under two years of age, were killed by drones and heavy weapon attacks in North…
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United Nations warns about a high threat of genocide in Ethiopia

United Nations warns about a high threat of genocide in Ethiopia

Due to the ongoing fighting between the Federal Government security forces and militants in different areas in Ethiopia, United Nations human rights advisor said that there is a serious threat to commit genocide and related atrocity crimes. Alice Wairimu, the organization's Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide Crime, issued a statement regarding the situation in Ethiopia. She pointed out that due to the ongoing fighting in the Tigray, Amhara, Afar and Oromia regions, there has been a high level of genocide and associated heinous crimes in the country. "The reports we receive about the crimes that are being committed…
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EU urges Ethiopia to take immediate action on human rights violations

EU urges Ethiopia to take immediate action on human rights violations

The European Union is concerned about the worsening crime and human rights violations in Ethiopia. EU's foreign affairs commissioner Joseph Borrell, said that the Ethiopian government should take immediate action. Justice and accountability are the conditions for the relationship between the Union and Ethiopia to be gradually normalized, he said on his X former Twitter account. Ethiopia's human rights situation was recently presented at the United Nations General Assembly and the country is facing serious charges. The International Commission on Human Rights, established by the United Nations Human Rights Council, has submitted its report. Mohamed Chande Otoman, an expert on…
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Four million children are out of schooling in Amhara region

Four million children are out of schooling in Amhara region

According to the Amhara regional education office, four million students have not yet registered in the current school year. The Amhara Region Education Office has stated that of the 6.2 million students expected to register for the current academic year, only 2.3 million students have registered until Monday, September 17/2023.  Head of Public Relations of the Amhara Regional Education Bureau, Getachew Biazen said that 2.3 million students have registered for the current school year from August. He mentioned that due to the security situation in the region, there are places where registration has not been done.  "We are discussing when…
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Ethiopia is heading towards a catastrophic national conflict- UN

Ethiopia is heading towards a catastrophic national conflict- UN

The United Nations condemns that the government is carrying out drone attacks in the Amhara region. The United Nations (UN) has announced that Ethiopia is heading towards a national catastrophic disaster. The UN said that the conflict in the Amhara and Oromia region has increased and this could lead Ethiopia to a large-scale national conflict. In addition to this, referring to the current situation in the Amhara region, announced that mass arrests and torture of civilians are taking place. The organization added in the statement that in the region, there has been at least one drone attack by the government.…
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Human rights body concerns on Extra judicial killing in Amhara, Ethiopia.

Human rights body concerns on Extra judicial killing in Amhara, Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has announced that, since April 2023, there has been a security problem in the Amhara region. According to the commission, the security crisis in the region has led to armed conflict, and the killing and abuse of innocent citizens has continued. In particular, in August many innocent people were killed and injured in different areas of the Amhara region. Many civilians were killed in the conflict in Debremarkos town in the East Gojam zone, Adet and Marawi in the North Gojam zone, Debre Tabor in the South Gondar zone, Delgi in the Central Gondar zone,…
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A government force kills More than 49 civilians in a day

A government force kills More than 49 civilians in a day

A government force kills More than 49 civilians in Amhara region in a day Enat Party announced in its statement that more than 49 civilians were killed in the Amhara region in a day. According to the party’s statement, on Sunday, September 3, 2023, more than 29 civilians were brutally killed in Majete city, North Showa zone, Amhara region by the national defence force. "We have confirmed that among the dead are children, young people and the elderly."  The party said, "On September 3, 2023, more than 11 civilians were massacred by the drone attack by the government on Moseba…
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