
Ethiopia Briefs the situations of Amhara region to UN organizations

Ethiopia Briefs the situations of Amhara region to UN organizations

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ethiopia Briefed the situations of Amhara region to UN humanitarian organizations representatives. Ethiopia briefed the current national issue to the representatives of the United Nations humanitarian institutions, who were stationed in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Minister of State for Political and Economic Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Mesganu Arga briefed the delegates on the current issue in Ethiopia, especially the humanitarian situation in the Amhara region. In this way, he expressed the determination of the Ethiopian government to improve the overall humanitarian situation and accelerate the delivery of aid, including food, together with aid…
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UN says more than 183 killed in Ethiopia

UN says more than 183 killed in Ethiopia

UN expressed its concern by the deteriorating human rights situation in some regions of Ethiopia. In Amhara region, following a flare-up in clashes between the Ethiopian military and the regional Fano militia, and the declaration of a state of emergency on 4 August, the situation worsened considerably. At least 183 people have been killed in clashes since July, according to information gathered by the UN Human Rights Office. The wide-ranging state of emergency gives the authorities broad powers nationwide, to arrest suspects without a court order, impose curfews and ban public gatherings. We have received reports that more than 1,000…
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Ethiopia rejects human rights watch’s report

Ethiopia rejects human rights watch’s report

Ethiopia rejects human rights watch's report on human rights violations. Ethiopia rejected Human Rights Watch's report of human rights violations in Tigray region. The government has responded to a recent report by Human Rights Watch, saying that despite the signing of a peace agreement between the federal government and forces of Tigray, the crime of ethnic cleansing continues in the western areas of Tigray, and those who have committed human rights violations have not been held accountable for the atrocities. In response, the government criticized the report as a baseless report stating that significant human rights violations had been committed…
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Ethiopia rejectes US’s statement on human right violations

Ethiopia rejectes US’s statement on human right violations

The US State Department has announced that all participants in the war in northern Ethiopia have committed human rights violations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ethiopia has announced that it will never accept the conclusion reached by Washington that serious human rights violations have occurred in Ethiopia. The Ministry added that, the statement issued by the US State Department regarding the matter was not included in the joint investigation by the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission and the United Nations Human Rights Commission. The statement issued by the US State Department regarding the case, said that no new findings were included…
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