
Internet access shut down in Ethiopia’s Amhara region

Internet access shut down in Ethiopia’s Amhara region

Heavy fighting erupted between the National Defense Army and Fano militants in several cities in the Amhara region. We have confirmed from the residents that internet service has been interrupted in the Amhara region following the start of fighting between the two parties. Neither Ethio Telecom nor the governmental institutions have anything yet as to why the internet was cut off in the region. Ethiopia has recently banned Telegram and the app is working with a VPN except in Amhara region. Following the escalation of the ongoing war in the Amhara region, Ethiopian Airlines has canceled flights to Lalibela and…
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Ethiopia bans Telegram application

Ethiopia bans Telegram application

The social networking page of the Telegram application in Ethiopia has not been working since early morning of Wednesday, July 26, 2023. It is estimated that the restriction was imposed in connection with this year's 12th grade exam which starts today. However, the government has not yet given information as to why it has banned Telegram, and the application is running on a VPN. Following the conflict in related with Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in the Oromia region, Ethiopia has banned some social networking applications for five months. Accordingly, people have been using VPN (virtual private network) to access social…
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Ethiopia lifts internet restrictions on social media

Ethiopia lifts internet restrictions on social media

In Ethiopia, the restrictions imposed on various social media for months have been lifted. Since last February, restrictions have been placed on internet services such as Facebook, YouTube, Telegram and Tiktok. Following the imposition of Internet restrictions in Ethiopia, many human rights organizations, including the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission, have been asking the government to lift the restrictions. The center for democracy and development announced last week, Ethiopia internet disruption caused a loss of $27.8 million in the foreign direct product market and 2,372 citizens lost their jobs. Whereas Internet outages disrupt modern businesses and cost the economy millions of…
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Internet blockade costs Ethiopia more than 7 billion birr

Internet blockade costs Ethiopia more than 7 billion birr

Ethiopia deprived more than seven billion birr due to internet blockade Since last February, Ethiopia has restricted Internet access on some social media. Ethiopia blocks TikTok, Telegram, Facebook and YouTube in all part of the country. As a result of the Internet ban, Ethiopia has lost 7.6 billion birr income, according to the Center for the Development of Rights and Democracy. "Since 2008, internet blockade is a problem that has been getting worse in Ethiopia," the center said. The Internet blockades signaled that democracy and the development of digital technology were against it. The center also stated that, the government's…
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Ethiopia lost $146 million because of internet blockades

Ethiopia lost $146 million because of internet blockades

By Samuel Abate Ethiopia lost $146 million because of internet blockades Ethiopia lost 146 million dollars due to the interruption of internet service According to the Top 10 VPN technology company, the country lost 146 million dollars due to the shutdown of internet services for a whole year following the war in Tigray region. Still, the country is losing millions of dollars due to internet outages, the company said. It's been a month since the internet was shut down and the government has yet to say anything about it. The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission, the Ethiopian Media Council and other…
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Ethiopian Media Council calls to lift social media blockade

Ethiopian Media Council calls to lift social media blockade

The government was asked to lift the restrictions on internet connection As the restriction imposed by the government on the internet connection is affecting the media, the Ethiopian Media Council has requested to lift the restriction in a statement issued today. In its statement, the council said that the restrictions imposed by the government on some social media applications have created a challenge for the mass media in their work of gathering, organizing and making information accessible to the public. The council pointed out that the impact of Internet-based media work on working media is significant. The council has requested…
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Ethiopia Restricted Social media amid religious tensions

Ethiopia Restricted Social media amid religious tensions

By Samuel Abate Addis Ababa, EN, February 10, 2023 Network data confirm the restriction of Facebook, Telegram and TikTok in Ethiopia on Thursday 9 February 2023. The incident comes amid anti-government protests sparked by tensions due to the government biased treatment on illegal synod appointment in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewhado Church. Real-time NetBlocks metrics indicate that Facebook, Telegram and TikTok have been restricted on state monopoly internet providers Ethio Telecom, with aggregated reachability statistics collected from an initial set of 20 vantage points. This class of disruption can be worked around using VPN services, which are able to circumvent government…
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