
Ethiopia to Launch VIP Door-to-Door Passport Delivery

Ethiopia to Launch VIP Door-to-Door Passport Delivery

Ethiopia to offer door-to-door passport delivery for VIP customers in September. In the past 12 months, more than one million passports have been issued in Ethiopia, according to the Immigration and Citizenship Service's annual performance statement. Director General Selamawit Dawit reported that 1.1 million passports were issued during the 2016 fiscal year, marking the highest number ever distributed by the institute in a single year. This accomplishment generated 14.7 billion birr in revenue from passport and other related service fees. Despite ongoing complaints from both the House of Representatives and customers, the Immigration and Citizenship Service has been working on…
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Ethiopia deports over 18 thousand foreign nationals

Ethiopia deports over 18 thousand foreign nationals

Ethiopia's Immigration and Citizenship Service recently made headlines by revealing the expulsion of over 18,000 foreign nationals due to illegal residency permits. Selamawit Dawit, the Director General of Immigration and Citizenship Services, presented a comprehensive report covering nine months of the fiscal year to the House of People's Representatives. The director highlighted that more than 18,000 foreigners were deported for operating within the country with falsified residence permits. Shockingly, it was disclosed that some of these individuals had been involved in the creation and sale of counterfeit residency documents for financial gain. Furthermore, the report shed light on the involvement…
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Ethiopia Extends Foreign Residence Permit registration Deadline

Ethiopia Extends Foreign Residence Permit registration Deadline

Ethiopia has extended the deadline for the registration of residence permits for foreigners, citing concerns over the use of counterfeit documents by foreign nationals entering the country. The Ethiopian Immigration and Citizenship Service made this announcement a month ago after discovering instances of individuals using forged documents to gain entry. Selamawit Dawit, the Director General of Immigration and Citizenship Services, highlighted the prevalence of fake permanent residence permits, temporary residence permits, passports, visas, and other documents among foreign nationals residing in various parts of Ethiopia. The investigation uncovered over 20,000 counterfeit temporary residence permits, visas, and additional travel documents across…
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Ethiopia plans to start visa on arrival in a week

Ethiopia plans to start visa on arrival in a week

Ethiopia started providing visa on arrival services to foreign visitors two years ago. But it has been suspended due to the Covid-19 and the war that broke out in northern Ethiopia. Ethiopia's immigration and nationality agency announced that visa on arrival service will resume next week. Meanwhile, Ethiopia has issued 190,000 passports from abroad and imported it to answer the demand of passport. A month ago, prime minister Abiy Ahmed sacked all agency's leadership in connection with corruption scandal and appointed Selamawit Moges as manager. Selamawit Dawit said in a press conference, 300,000 citizens are registered and waiting to get…
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PM Abiy Ahmed appoints Selamawit Dawit as DG of immigration and citizenship services

PM Abiy Ahmed appoints Selamawit Dawit as DG of immigration and citizenship services

The Immigration and citizen service, which was established to provide passports and similar citizenship services, has been receiving complaints. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Dr.) has sacked Mr. Bruhtesfa Mulgeta, who was in charge of the immigration and citizenship service for the past one year and half as well as Fraol Tafa and Tamru Genbato, who were serving as deputy directors. Immigration and Citizenship Service Public Relations and Communication Officer Ms. Mastawal Geda told Al-Ain that we have received a letter stating that Ms. Selamawit Dawit has been appointed as the director general of the institution since July 20, 2023. She…
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