
Ethiopia applauses European Union’s statement

Ethiopia applauses European Union’s statement

Addis Ababa, April 26/2023, Ethio Negari:- Ministry of foreign affairs announced that, Ethiopia is working hard to renew its cooperation with the European Union in a new form. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a response to the statement issued by the Council of the European Union regarding Ethiopia. The Minister stated that the Council recognized other issues, including the results achieved in the implementation of the Pretoria Peace Agreement. MoFA pointed out that, Ethiopia is working hard to renew its cooperation with the European Union in a new form and the statement of the council will further strengthen…
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Ethiopia and Oromo rebel group negotiations begin in Zanzibar

Ethiopia and Oromo rebel group negotiations begin in Zanzibar

Talks between the Ethiopian government and rebels from the Oromiya region have started in Zanzibar, a semi-autonomous region of Tanzania, a spokesman for regional Africa group IGAD told Reuters on Tuesday. Rebel groups in Oromiya, which is the biggest of Ethiopia's 11 regions and surrounds the capital Addis Ababa, have battled the federal government for decades. In recent years the violence has left hundreds dead and displaced tens of thousands, with Oromos accusing the government of marginalising and neglecting Oromos, the country's largest ethnic group. "The talks are under way in Tanzania as we speak…we hope [it] will lead to…
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