
Hundreds of Sudanese Strands in Ethiopia’s Amhara Region

Hundreds of Sudanese Strands in Ethiopia’s Amhara Region

More than a thousand Sudanese are stranded in Gondar and Bahirdar cities. A state of emergency was declared in the Amhara region, because of the war that started a week ago. Due to the civil war in Sudan, Sudanese citizens who came to Ethiopia with the intention of seeking better security were told that they are in trouble. In particular, Sudanese who stayed in hotels in Gondar and Bahirdar said, we are facing problems with food, security and transportation. These Sudanese travellers, who told us that their number is more than one thousand, said that they plan to come to…
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Gov’t Effort of Resolve Conflict in Tigray Peacefully Must be Encouraged: S. Sudanese Ambassador

Gov’t Effort of Resolve Conflict in Tigray Peacefully Must be Encouraged: S. Sudanese Ambassador

The effort of the Ethiopian government to resolve the conflicts in northern part of country has to be encouraged, South Sudanese Ambassador James P. Morgan said. Speaking to ENA, the ambassador pointed out that the initiation of the federal government to solve the conflict peacefully and the establishment of the National Dialogue Commission to hold inclusive dialogue is the right approach. The most important thing the Government of Ethiopia has to show is seriousness about the peaceful option it is pursuing to solve conflicts and problems in the country, he noted, stressing  that the killing of Ethiopians among themselves must…
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Ethiopian Defense Force Rejects Unfounded Claims of Sudanese Defense Forces

Ethiopian Defense Force Rejects Unfounded Claims of Sudanese Defense Forces

The Ethiopia Defense Force has dismissed the baseless claims of Sudanese Defense Forces for the incident occurred at the Ethio-Sudan border. Noting that the Ethiopian Defense Forces was not in the area during the incident, the National Defense Force said it is the Sudanese forces that crossed the Ethiopian territory and clashed with the local militias. Public Relations Director at the Defence Force, Colonel Getnet Adane said while the terrorist TPLF attacked the northern command; the Sudanese army had invaded Ethiopia in a way that did not match the historical ties between the Ethiopian people and the Sudanese people. Citing…
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Ethiopia Rejects Sudanese Defense Force’s Misrepresentation of Facts, Unjust Blame

Ethiopia Rejects Sudanese Defense Force’s Misrepresentation of Facts, Unjust Blame

The Government of Ethiopia has rejected the misrepresentation of facts and unjust blame on Ethiopia regarding the recent tragic incident occurred at the common border of the two countries. The Ethiopian Government has learned about the tragic incident occurred at the common border with the Sudan on 22 June 2022, a statement issued today by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. According to the statement, the incident took place within Ethiopian territory after incursions by a Sudanese regular army unit supported by elements of the terrorist TPLF. The Ethiopian Government regrets the loss of life as a result of a…
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The Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs proceeded to submit

The Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs proceeded to submit

a formal complaint to the Security Council and the relevant international and regional organizations. The Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it will summon the ambassador of Addis Ababa, later on Monday, to protest the killing of seven Sudanese soldiers and a civilian kidnapped by the Ethiopian side. The Sudanese Foreign Ministry said that it condemns, in the strongest terms, the heinous crime committed by the Ethiopian army, which violates the principles of international humanitarian law, by killing seven prisoners of Sudanese soldiers and a civilian after their kidnapping from inside Sudanese territory on June 22, 2022, and taking…
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