
Ethiopia’s Army general and Oromo liberation militant leader meets in Zanzibar

Ethiopia’s Army general and Oromo liberation militant leader meets in Zanzibar

Ethiopian National Defense Army top generals and the leader of the Oromo Liberation Army, Jal Mero, met face-to-face in Zanzibar, Tanzania. The second round of peace talks between the Ethiopian government and the armed group of the Oromo Liberation Army has begun in Tanzania. According to a report published by the BBC citing sources close to the matter, the peace talks have been going on for a few days and are being attended by representatives of armed forces from both sides. The East African Nations Organization (IGAD), the United States, Norway, and Kenya took the role of coordinator and facilitator…
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Zanzibar banned men from braiding their hair

Zanzibar banned men from braiding their hair

Tanzania’s Zanzibar has banned men from braiding their hair, and those caught face a fine of Sh1 million($409), six months imprisonment, or both. Dr. Omar Adam, the executive secretary of the Council of Arts, Film, and Culture in Zanzibar, told local media outlet that this move is designed to protect Zanzibar tradition and culture. “Police will arrest all men who plait hair; this is not acceptable by the arts council, and there is a special permit for plaiting hair, which is Sh1 million, and we have set that price in order to deter them. Now it is your choice to…
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Ethiopia urged to reveal about Zanzibar’s negotiation

Ethiopia urged to reveal about Zanzibar’s negotiation

Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice (EZEMA) urged the government to provide sufficient information about its negotiations with the Oromo Liberation Army in Zanzibar, Tanzania. The party said that especially in the last few years in the Oromia region, we have clearly seen citizens being killed because of their identity, their property destroyed and displaced from their villages. The party has expressed its support for negotiations to end such kind of suffering of the citizens. However, the party announced in a statement that the negotiations that have been held at different times in the past five years, including the time when…
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Ethiopia and Oromo rebel group negotiations begin in Zanzibar

Ethiopia and Oromo rebel group negotiations begin in Zanzibar

Talks between the Ethiopian government and rebels from the Oromiya region have started in Zanzibar, a semi-autonomous region of Tanzania, a spokesman for regional Africa group IGAD told Reuters on Tuesday. Rebel groups in Oromiya, which is the biggest of Ethiopia's 11 regions and surrounds the capital Addis Ababa, have battled the federal government for decades. In recent years the violence has left hundreds dead and displaced tens of thousands, with Oromos accusing the government of marginalising and neglecting Oromos, the country's largest ethnic group. "The talks are under way in Tanzania as we speak…we hope [it] will lead to…
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