Tigray appoints two former military leaders as vice president

In the newly established interim administration of the Tigray region, Lt. Gen. Tadese werede and General Tsadqan Gebretensaie was appointed as the vice president of the Tigray region.

The new interim administration of Tigray region led by Mr.Getachew Reda announced the 27-members cabinet.

In the new cabinet, Lt. Gen. Tadese Werede was appointed as the Vice President of the region and head of the Peace and Security Cabinet Secretariat, while Lt. Gen. Tsadqan became the head of the Decentralization and Democratization Cabinet Secretariat with the title of Vice President.

When the appointment was announced in Mekele City, the former cabinet that was lead by Debretsion Gebremichael handed over executive powers to the new cabinet formed by his interim administration.

The new cabinet is formed members from the TPLF, Tigray forces, intellectuals and Baytona political party.

51 percent of the cabinet is occupied by TPLF and the opposition Baitona Party has secured two offices.

Lt. Gen. Tadese Werede, Brigadier General Tekhlai Ashebir, Lt. Gen. Feseha Kidanu and Maj. Gen. Zewdu Kiros from Tigray forces have received positions of responsibility in the cabinet.

By ethionegari@gmail.com

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