
GERD’s five units to produce power soon- CEO

GERD’s five units to produce power soon- CEO

Five turbines of the Great Ethiopia Renaissance Dam (GERD) will soon start generating power GERD CEO Engineer Kifle Horo said that, in the coming months, work is being done to start five more units at the Dam. Following the completion of the fourth round of water filling of the Renaissance Dam, some additional turbines will start generating power. Engineer Kefle Horo, the manager of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, who explained to the senior government officials present at the scene, stated that the construction of the dam is 93 percent complete. He also announced that only nine to ten meters…
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Africa’s biggest dam reaches 90 percent completion

Africa’s biggest dam reaches 90 percent completion

Africa's biggest dam reaches 90 percent completion. Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) construction left only 10 percent to completion. GERD Coordination Project Office announced that the construction of the Great Renaissance Dam (GERD) has been completed 90 percent. The office has given a press release regarding the 12th-year cornerstone of Renaissance Dam construction. The dam will be completed and fully operational next year and will generate 5200 MW of power. GERD, the biggest dam in Africa, which is being built for 5 billion dollars, is being covered by the Ethiopians and the government. The dam's two turbines are currently generating…
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Ethiopia urges Sudan to pay $10 million for electricity bill

Ethiopia urges Sudan to pay $10 million for electricity bill

Sudan ,Kenya and Djibouti are buying electricity from Ethiopia. And since last December, Khartoum stops it's payment. According to officials from Ethiopia electric power, Sudan has not paid the electricity bill that supposed to pay to Addis Ababa and the government has been asked to intervene. Sudan has to pay in full every month for the electricity it uses from Ethiopia and since last year it has cut its payment. Ethiopia exports electricity to three neighboring countries. At the end of one month, the countries will pay for the consumption of electricity sent in the previous month. Sudan should have…
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