
Ethiopian Navy joins fighting in Amhara Region

Ethiopian Navy joins fighting in Amhara Region

The Ethiopian Navy Forces have joined the conflict in the Amhara Region, according to a statement from the National Defense Army on its social media platform. Rear Admiral Nasser Abadiga, representing the Chief of Naval Staff, announced the deployment of the Ethiopian Navy's Marine Commando in the North Showa Zone of the Amhara region. The action was taken against "extremist" members of the group, as reported by the National Defense Force. The Marine Commando is actively engaged in the districts of the North Showa Zone, fulfilling its duties both on land and at sea. This specialized force remains prepared to…
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France provides €928,000 to four of Ethiopia’s local NGOs

France provides €928,000 to four of Ethiopia’s local NGOs

France provides €928,000 to four of Ethiopia's local NGOs France signed with four Ethiopian local nongovernment organizations to provide 928,000 euros in the form of grants. The grant project is named JuDGE and the program is a two-year initiative (June 2023 - June 2025), funded at €928,560. France's ambassador in Ethiopia Reme Marechaux said that the goal is to bolster legal protection for victims of sexual violence and actively advocate for increased women's participation in National Dialogue initiatives, in line with the UN's Resolution 1325. The Ambassador added that "we are proud to partner with Justice for All, Ethiopian Women…
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France allocates 3.5 million Euros to rebuild hospitals in Ethiopia

France allocates 3.5 million Euros to rebuild hospitals in Ethiopia

Ministry of Health in Ethiopia and the French government signed a MoU to expand their collaboration to support health recovery efforts in Ethiopia. France is also committed to support the rehabilitation of Adwa hospital in Tigray region. The signing ceremony was attended by the Minister of Health in Ethiopia, Dr. Lia Tadesse Gebremedhin and Ambassador of France to Ethiopia and to the African Union, Mr. Rémi Marechaux. Ambassador Maréchaux stated that, “Following a field visit to Afar and Tigray regions in April, and following our support to Dessie referral hospital, I am happy to announce France is committed to support…
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Cockpit fistfight between pilots leads to Air France suspension

Cockpit fistfight between pilots leads to Air France suspension

Air France suspended two of its pilots for fighting in the cockpit during a Geneva-Paris flight in June. Despite the fistfight, the flight continued and landed safely, and the dispute didn’t affect the rest of the flight, an airline official said on Sunday, stressing its commitment to safety. According to a report by the Swiss La Tribune daily, the pilot and co-pilot had a dispute shortly after takeoff and grabbed each other by their collars after one apparently hit the other. Cabin crew then intervened and one crew member spent the flight in the cockpit with the pilots, the report…
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France, Ethiopia Sign MoU to Launch 1.5 Mn Euro Healthcare Rehabilitation Projects in Amhara Region of Ethiopia

France, Ethiopia Sign MoU to Launch 1.5 Mn Euro Healthcare Rehabilitation Projects in Amhara Region of Ethiopia

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Governments of France and Ethiopia to launch a 1.5 million Euro project to support and rehabilitate essential health care services, particularly for Dessie Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, in Amhara region. French Ambassador to Ethiopia and the African Union, Rémi Maréchaux and Health Minister of Ethiopia Dr. Lia Tadesse signed MoU to launch the project on supporting and rehabilitating essential healthcare services in Amhara region today. Speaking at the occasion, Ambassador Rémi Maréchaux said the support aimed at rehabilitating  and restoring the health services in the region that had been affected by the…
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Ethiopia and France Sign A 19mln Euro Grant Agreement

Ethiopia and France Sign A 19mln Euro Grant Agreement

The Ministry of Finance, represented by Semereta Sewasew, State Minister in charge of Economic Cooperation, signed a grant agreement of 10 million Euro with the French Development Agency (AFD), represented by Valerie TEHIO, Country director today.The signing was attended by the Ambassador of France in Ethiopia and for the African Union, Remi Marechaux.The grant will finance the construction and equipment of Ethiopian Electric Power Training Centre in Debre Zeit. The equipment and training offer will be adapted to the technologies installed on the Ethiopian electricity grid (SCADA simulators, electricity transmission and distribution equipment, etc.).It will enable EEP to provide in-house…
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