
Tigray and Amhara leaders met after two years of bloody war

Tigray and Amhara leaders met after two years of bloody war

Tigray region interim president travelled to Amhara regional state capital, Bahirdar city after two years of bloody war. Mr Getachew Reda, Tigray's interim administration President travelled to Bahirdar City and met Amhara regional state president Yilikal Kefale. In a step that is the first of its kind, the President of the Tigray Region Mr. Getachew Reda met his Amhara counterpart Sunday morning. Tigray and Amhara regions that have been in destructive war come to peace after a peace agreement in November 2022. The African Union brokered the peace agreement and signed it in Pretoria, South Africa. After the peace agreement,…
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Tigray appoints two former military leaders as vice president

Tigray appoints two former military leaders as vice president

In the newly established interim administration of the Tigray region, Lt. Gen. Tadese werede and General Tsadqan Gebretensaie was appointed as the vice president of the Tigray region. The new interim administration of Tigray region led by Mr.Getachew Reda announced the 27-members cabinet. In the new cabinet, Lt. Gen. Tadese Werede was appointed as the Vice President of the region and head of the Peace and Security Cabinet Secretariat, while Lt. Gen. Tsadqan became the head of the Decentralization and Democratization Cabinet Secretariat with the title of Vice President. When the appointment was announced in Mekele City, the former cabinet…
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Tigray set to receives its budget from Federal Government

Tigray set to receives its budget from Federal Government

The Federal government of Ethiopia announced that, sending budget subsidies to the Tigray region will start soon State Minister of Finance, Dr. Ayob Tekalin, said that the federal government will begin releasing budget subsidies to Tigray region from next week. The budget to be released to the region will be sent in monthly installments as it is done for other regions. Tigray's interim administration president Mr. Getachew Reda said a few days ago that, the federal government has reached an agreement to transfer the budget to Tigray. Mr Getachew, who was appointed by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed as the head…
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Getachew Reda elected as tigray’s region interim President

Getachew Reda elected as tigray’s region interim President

TPLF elected Getachew Reda as the President of Tigray region Interim Administration Getachew Reda, who was met US secretary Antony Blinken in Addis Ababa, was elected by the TPLF Central Committee to head the interim administration to be established in Tigray region. According to the Voice of America (VOA) news service, Mr. Getachew,the former law teacher at Mekele University. He was the chief negotiator of the TPLF in Pretoria between the government and the TPLF in South Africa. The Tigray region, which is about to establish a transitional interim administration, was led by Debretzion Gebremichael before the war. According to…
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